Our Underground, Traffic and Utility Services
PRIME is proud to offer underground, traffic and utility services as part of our unique ability to provide comprehensive electrical installations. We are a recognized industry leader in underground and traffic systems, including:
- Underground work: trenching and, duct banks
- Traffic signalization, traffic loops and control systems
- Utilities: installation and coordination with power and communication companies
- Street lighting, parking lot lighting, and exterior illumination
- Long-haul fiber optics, OSP, and aerial installation
- Fiber Optic Systems: termination, testing, and certification
- 24/7 service and boom-truck services

Expert Knowledge, Comprehensive Service
The equipment, tools, training, safety considerations and team resources required for this work are extremely specialized. Our experienced Underground, Traffic and Utility group includes acknowledged industry experts (field and office): our ability to help clients navigate challenging project requirements sets PRIME apart, as does our offering of complete project scope.