The Pleasanton, CA. based office features electric sitting/standing desks, three floors of office space, various kitchens and snack areas, and a new fitness center and game room. To encourage community and socialization, the plan involved open lounge spaces near the kitchens. Each lounge is designed differently; some with one-on one booths lined along the wall, others with standing tables, and some with more traditional tables for group meetings. Prime Electric installed pendant mounted lighting fixtures and pendant mounted fire alarm devices. Prime met the client’s electrical needs by modifying and adding to the existing electrical distribution equipment and installing electrical and data outlets in the precise dimensioned locations as outlined by Workday to coincide with their furniture layouts. Exposed conduits in congested open ceiling corridors enhanced the modern and industrial design.
Workday’s tenant improvement extended to the exterior of their building with the addition of electric vehicle charging stations for their employee parking as well as new exterior building lighting.